MAKEPROTO [-o outputfile] srcfile srcfile srcfile...
This has nothing to do with Lattice's prototype generation options.
With a little more work, using MakeProto to mesh multiple source
modules together is clean and easy to use.
makeproto is not a magic program. In fact, source is available
in DCC2:DUTIL/MAKEPROTO.C . All it does is scan the specified
source files for 'Prototype' lines and write them to the specified
output file. A good example of the use of MAKEPROTO is the DME SOURCE
(DCC3:DME.LZH). NOTE: use -x -r when extracting DME.LZH . The DME
source also includes a good example of a DMakefile.
Basically, each file should include a .H file, lets call it DEFS.H .
DEFS.H contains the following two defines:
#define Prototype extern
#define Local static
DEFS.H also, at the end, contains a line similar to this:
#include "prog-protos.h"
What you want to do is set up a dependancy in your DMakefile, Makefile,
or whatever such that whenever any source files change, MAKEPROTO is
run over all source files to create a new version of "prog-protos.h".
MAKEPROTO simply extracts 'Prototype' lines from the source files.
Thus, for each source file, you supply a list of Prototype and Local
lines at the beginning of the file which describe the functions that
appear later on and prototypes them for other source modules;
-------------------- FOO.C --------------------
#include "defs.h"
Prototype int MYGlobalRoutine(char *);
Local void SomeForwardRefdRoutine(void);
char *str;
return(str + 1);
Local void
/* whatever */
The system is clean because prototypes for routines are defined in
the same source file as the routines themselves. To generate a
prototype file for the above source module and, say, a few others,
the sequence is:
1> makeproto -o prog-protos.h foo.c main.c x.c bar.c fubar.c
Converted using GuideML V1.6, a converter written by Richard Körber <>